Student HMO Management

At Whites we specialise in student HMO management as well as managing over 400 residential properties.

Our fifteen staff are trained to assist through the process of finding tenants, on-going management of maintenance, rent collection, call outs and finally checking out departing students. We pride ourselves on the standard of all our student properties and only look to manage the best.

We are happy to assist and manage the transformation of a house to a student HMO property so that the maximum rent can be achieved. Within Northampton many areas require planning to change a family home (C3 planning use) to a House of Multiple Occupation (C4 use). We can assist in helping understand how to achieve HMO status. Not only may a property require planning permission if never having been used before, but once planning has been granted a HMO licence from West Northamptonshire council may be needed. We will be happy to guide you through the different stages. Regulation around satisfying HMO licensing are broad and specialized knowledge is needed to achieve a fully compliant property.

Contact us whether you have an existing HMO property or are looking to purchase one and we will be happy to provide guidance and help.